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2024 October Newsletter

By LLLL, 10/03/24, 10:00PM CDT


Board Briefs

Jr. Rampage Families, 

Thank you for an awesome weekend up in Dallas at the Labor Day Kickoff tournament. We hope you had a great time bonding as a team with new and returning families. 

We appreciate those of you who worked with the board productively regarding any uniform concerns. Our teams looked sharp in the new jersey design, and it is our goal to ensure all players have team wear items that fit them properly. As soon as the reordered items land in our hands, your team managers will pass them out. 

For board changes, we've voted to elevate Jesse Feragen to Board of Director status. Jesse jumped in quickly over the summer to help us manage the budget and our books, and already has some ideas that can help with fundraising. Her term will run until board elections occur at the beginning of 2026. Also, with Chris Hill stepping into the Vice President position, we've brought on Eric Helstedt to fill the Assistant Commissioner officer position. Eric will work closely with Carter and Chris to get up to speed. Please thank both Eric and Jesse for donating their time and their skills to keep our organization moving forward. 

Current Board of Directors:

  • Jesse Feragen
  • Chris Hill
  • Carter Keairns
  • Lindsey LeBlanc
  • Shawn Thepuatrakul

Current Board Officers:

  • President - Lindsey LeBlanc
  • Vice President - Chris Hill
  • Commissioner - Carter Keairns
  • Secretary - Shawn Thepuatrakul
  • Treasurer - Jesse Feragen
  • Assistant Commissioner - Eric Helstedt

commissioners' corner

After the leveling tournament wrapped up, DSTHL released us into the following divisions for our teams: 

  • 10U - A
  • 12U - AA
  • 14U - B
  • 16U - A
  • 18U - AA

Scheduling weekend was September 14th & 15th in Plano, where drafts of each team's schedule were created. These have now been finalized by the league, and your team managers will get them entered into SportsEngine soon, if they haven't already. Our 12U team already kicked off the season last weekend up in Dallas against the Penguins. Good luck to all teams on your upcoming games, and please reach out if you need anything!

We'd like to send a special shout-out to our 14U players for a recent practice time moment. They arrived at the rink, discovered there was no adult monitor present in the locker room, and stayed in the rink lobby until further instruction. Great job, players! Abiding by all USA Hockey rules is important, and we want to give credit where credit is due!

Try Hockey For Free is full speed ahead! We are partnering with Coast2Coast and Northwoods again to create an event kids around San Antonio will love. Help us share the event details and that registration is OPEN by sending the link to neighbors, family, and friends you know whom have children aged 4-9 years old who are interested in HOCKEY! The short URL is 

fiscal forecasts

Thanks to everyone who helped spread the word about our two dinner fundraisers, as well as The Big Give. These three efforts brought approximately $800 into the organization. As all of you will know, this amount of money will NOT move the needle on keeping our registration fees down over the long haul. We are still seeking interested individuals who can help us build a robust fundraising plan that can be used and reused over time. Some of you have mentioned interest via word-of-mouth, but please please please - Sign up here.

Volunteer Spotlight

A huge shout out to Mike Glavaz for all the hours he has volunteered in a very stinky locker room as a LRM and from the
penalty box as a monitor! It is easy to spot Mike at the games with his Rampage hat! Thank you Mike!

Social Media Sharing

Rampage Families -- we need your help! We'd love to get the word out about various fundraising events being hosted for the benefit of our community. We all know that hockey is already expensive enough, and we want to make sure we're not tapping our existing membership to fund the efforts of our players. As such, please, please, please, if you participate in social media: reshare, repost, and remarket our already existing efforts! Follow us on Facebook and/or Instagram to do so!


Our teams, players, and families are doing amazing things daily! See some additional highlights below.

Interested in showcasing this for our organization? We're looking for social media VOLUNTEERS! If you know, or want to learn, the Meta Business Suite platform, 
sign up here to help us highlight the life of our organization.

10U Student Coach Spotlight

"My name is Graedy. I started playing beginner hockey around seven years old and started playing as a full-time goalie when I was nine. I played for four years in Washington state until I moved to Texas four years ago. I have played for San Antonio Jr Rampage since that time, and I am currently a goalie for 16U A. 

I wanted to be a student coach to help, and when I saw other players I knew coaching, it looked interesting. I have enjoyed student coaching and can't wait to continue to help them."

16U & 18U Power Skating Clinic

"We started the season with an early morning Power Skating Clinic with skating coach, Tiffany Miglio, in August. Coach Miglio put the players through their paces with many skills to help them gain more power on the ice – even the goalies got in on the action!"

16U Spotlight

"We all know that pre-season means early morning practices on the weekends. U16 decided to take advantage of an early morning practice to also create some bonding time with team mates as well as with families. After our early morning practice, we enjoyed a pancake breakfast in the parking lot, complete with whipped cream and chocolate syrup, fruit toppings, sausages, boiled eggs, and juice. Players and parents enjoyed a cool morning and appreciated the cooking skills of dads Matt Watson and Todd Simmang! Players also enjoyed a fun game of Spike Ball."